Love, love, love

In Cambridge, they say that, by the time you graduate University, you should have achieved one of the following: a First – this is the best UK grade ranking that you can graduate with a Blue – or your ‘colours’, something you can achieve by representing the University on one of its sports teamsa spouseContinueContinue reading “Love, love, love”

The books that defined my decade

I started the 2010s as a 9-year-old, and finished them at 19. There’s a lot of books that filled the gap between those ages – a countless amount, actually. When I got my annual notification from Goodreads asking me to start my next reading challenge, I got to thinking not just about what had comeContinueContinue reading “The books that defined my decade”

New Year, SAME Me

Why I’m refusing to let my 2020 get bogged down with resolutions It’s that time of the year again! Misty mornings, lazy days, that beautiful waiting game between Christmas and New Year where all we eat is leftovers and junk food. But it’s OK: we’re not bound by our resolutions, yet. How many New Year’sContinueContinue reading “New Year, SAME Me”